opticsYesFlat Field VisionYes Warranty Warranty PlusYesWarranty10 yearsVariants farlux® APO 10 x 42 show Product farlux® APO 8 x 42 show Product Product overview
Field glasses farlux® APO 10 x 42 Art. Nr. 4274142 back to parent THE FIRST CHOICE OF ORNITHOLOGISTS AND DISCERNING NATURE LOVERS Product PropertiesExtra-large field of view: High-quality, super [...] m Warranty Warranty PlusYesWarranty10 yearsRelated products Field glasses Art. Nr. 4274842 farlux® APO 8 x 42 show Product Product overview
Field glasses farlux® APO 8 x 42 Art. Nr. 4274842 back to parent THE FIRST CHOICE OF ORNITHOLOGISTS AND DISCERNING NATURE LOVERS Product PropertiesExtra-large field of view: High-quality, super [...] m Warranty Warranty PlusYesWarranty10 yearsRelated products Field glasses Art. Nr. 4274142 farlux® APO 10 x 42 show Product Product overview