Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps scribolux Art. Nr. 156512 Your browser does not support the video tag.Product BenefitsMakes crosswords even more fun!Plenty of space for writing under the lens [...] properties Lens Size100 x 75 mm Optical Properties Magnification2.8 xDioptre7 dptMaterialsmanual_scribolux_944650_05-21859.4 KBProduct overview
Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps scribolux Art. Nr. 156512 Your browser does not support the video tag.Product BenefitsMakes crosswords even more fun!Plenty of space for writing under the lens [...] properties Lens Size100 x 75 mm Optical Properties Magnification2.8 xDioptre7 dptMaterialsmanual_scribolux_944650_05-21859.4 KBProduct overview
Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps scribolux Art. Nr. 156512 Your browser does not support the video tag.Product BenefitsMakes crosswords even more fun!Plenty of space for writing under the lens [...] Size100 x 75 mm Operating unit (magnifying glasses) Magnification2.8 xDioptre7 dptMaterialsmanual_scribolux.pdf6.5 MBProduct overview
tabase_16030.pdf 12.7 KB ridoMED manual_ridoMED-teleMED.pdf 933.8 KB scribolux manual_scribolux.pdf 6.5 MB Product video scribolux Your browser does not support the video tag. smartlux® DIGITAL manual
magnifiers Pendant magnifier show Product Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps Art. Nr. 156512 scribolux show Product Accessories Art. Nr. 1650208 smartlux® DIGITAL Bumper show Product Accessories Art