Light elumentis LED Art. Nr. 16039 Your browser does not support the video tag. back to parent Product BenefitsPure and natural colour reproductionHigh-contrast, homogeneous, glare-free illumination [...] Anforderungen aus EU-Verordnungen12.9 KBColour temperature2700 K,4800 K,6400 KMaterialsmanual_elumentis LED 16039.pdf7.3 MBEnergie_efficiency_label_16039.pdf68.5 KBQR_link_EPREL_database_16039
11768 117612 118420 Technical magnifiers Metal folding magnifiers show Product Light Art. Nr. 16039 elumentis LED show Product 28511 28512 28513 Accessories Case for handmagnifiers show Product Accessories