lightnessyes (multistage)Lighting image tray/supportseveral LEDs (glare-free) brightness adjustable (per LED) lighting can be switched off (per LED)Camera - typeSF/DOF fixed focusCamera - positioningnatural [...] televisionsUSB port, Type C port for transmitting images onto a computer (PC and Mac)Operating time: 3.5 hWeight: 460 gIncluded in delivery: HDMI cable, USB Type C cable, 4 GB SD card, universal charging [...] tactile function keys large icons high-contrast symbols confirmation tones charging status indicator (LED) charging status indicator (screen icon) orientation aids on the housing positioning aids on the h
lightnessyes (multistage)Lighting image tray/supportseveral LEDs (glare-free) brightness adjustable (per LED) lighting can be switched off (per LED)Camera - typeSF/DOF fixed focusCamera - positioningnatural [...] televisionsUSB port, Type C port for transmitting images onto a computer (PC and Mac)Operating time: 3.5 hWeight: 460 gIncluded in delivery: HDMI cable, USB Type C cable, 4 GB SD card, universal charging [...] tactile function keys large icons high-contrast symbols confirmation tones charging status indicator (LED) charging status indicator (screen icon) orientation aids on the housing positioning aids on the h
change the LEDs on an LED magnifier? The LEDs used for illuminating Eschenbach Optik products have a virtually unlimited service life. They therefore do not need to be changed. What can I do if my LED magnifier [...] lasting comfort of vision for the user. What are the special features of the LED illuminated magnifiers from Eschenbach Optik? LED magnifiers from Eschenbach Optik provide a very even illumination of the field [...] and 65. You will then need a pair of glasses to be able to read at a normal distance of approximately 35 centimetres. The power of your reading glasses depends on your remaining power of accommodation. What