ordering individual components enables you to optimise stock holding and also to carry out binocular correction, e.g. in the case of aphakia. Product AccessoriesFrames onlyThe spring-hinged frame has adjustable
ordering individual components enables you to optimise stock holding and also to carry out binocular correction, e.g. in the case of aphakia. Product AccessoriesFrames onlyThe spring-hinged frame has adjustable
increasingly difficult to read details and small print. When sight loss can no longer be fully corrected using glasses, modern vision aids can help you to maintain your usual ability to read and quality
ordering individual components enables you to optimise stock holding and also to carry out binocular correction, e.g. in the case of aphakia. Product AccessoriesFrames onlyThe spring-hinged frame has adjustable
ordering individual components enables you to optimise stock holding and also to carry out binocular correction, e.g. in the case of aphakia. Product AccessoriesFrames onlyThe spring-hinged frame has adjustable
ordering individual components enables you to optimise stock holding and also to carry out binocular correction, e.g. in the case of aphakia. Product AccessoriesFrames onlyThe spring-hinged frame has adjustable
ordering individual components enables you to optimise stock holding and also to carry out binocular correction, e.g. in the case of aphakia. Product AccessoriesFrames onlyThe spring-hinged frame has adjustable
is advisable to have your eyes regularly checked by a specialist. Initially, reading glasses can correct this problem very effectively. However, special magnifiers - some equipped with powerful illumination
course of time. Due to these reasons, no liability whatsoever can be accepted for the currentness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. This also applies to linked websites ("external
Normal view Cataract level 3 Cataract level 4 Normal view Macular degeneration Retinitis pigmentosa Diabetic retinopathy Cataract Glaucoma Cataract A cataract is the clouding of a lens which leads to