Telescopes and monoculars teleMED Art. Nr. 1634 Product PropertiesCoated lens system.Achromatic lens made of high quality silicate.Adjustment of pupillary distance of 54–74 mm.Lens diameter 23 mm.Focusing
magnifiers laboCOMFORT show Product 164450 164451 164452 164453 Headband and clip-on magnifiers laboMED show Product 2913110 2913115 2913120 2913125 2913130 2913135 2913140 2913210 2913215 2913220 2913225 [...] Accessories Art. Nr. 1066 Cleaning spray show Product 16362 16363 16364 Telescopes and monoculars ridoMED show Product 21361 21362 Hand-held and reading magnifiers Pendant magnifier show Product Stand magnifiers [...] magnifiers and magnifying lamps system varioPLUS show Product 1634 16344 Telescopes and monoculars teleMED show Product 11243 11245 11247 1124110 Technical magnifiers Watchmaker’s magnifiers show Product A