PropertiesRing lighting provided by 36 long-life high performance LEDs with primary lens system for optimal concentration of light and shadow and flicker-free working.Approx. 5000 lx (at a 20 cm working distance)
PropertiesRing lighting provided by 36 long-life high performance LEDs with primary lens system for optimal concentration of light and shadow and flicker-free working.Approx. 5000 lx (at a 20 cm working distance)
PropertiesRing lighting provided by 36 long-life high performance LEDs with primary lens system for optimal concentration of light and shadow and flicker-free working.Approx. 5000 lx (at a 20 cm working distance)
PropertiesRing lighting provided by 36 long-life high performance LEDs with primary lens system for optimal concentration of light and shadow and flicker-free working.Approx. 5000 lx (at a 20 cm working distance)
PropertiesRing lighting provided by 36 long-life high performance LEDs with primary lens system for optimal concentration of light and shadow and flicker-free working.Approx. 5000 lx (at a 20 cm working distance)
PropertiesRing lighting provided by 36 long-life high performance LEDs with primary lens system for optimal concentration of light and shadow and flicker-free working.Approx. 5000 lx (at a 20 cm working distance)
PropertiesRing lighting provided by 36 long-life high performance LEDs with primary lens system for optimal concentration of light and shadow and flicker-free working.Approx. 5000 lx (at a 20 cm working distance)
PropertiesRing lighting provided by 36 long-life high performance LEDs with primary lens system for optimal concentration of light and shadow and flicker-free working.Approx. 5000 lx (at a 20 cm working distance)
this regard. Right from a young age, a healthy balanced diet is advisable to ensure the eyes get an optimal supply of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Vitamins A, C and E in particular improve visual [...] is rich in vitamins. Equally important is an adequate intake of fluids to keep the blood vessels optimally supplied. Customers who are often subjected to cigarette smoke or radiation from monitors should [...] Eine vitaminreiche Ernährung kann die Augengesundheit unterstützen. Um Ihre Augen und Ihren Körper optimal zu versorgen, empfiehlt es sich also, vitaminreiche Nahrungsmittel in Ihren Speiseplan zu integrieren
field of view: High-quality, super wide-angle optics, combined with a 42 mm lens diameter, ensure optimal clear viewing, even at dusk.Apochromatic optical system: Fluoride-containing ELD lenses ensure e