dpt162116 Reading cap 16,0 dpt The reading caps +3 dpt/ +4 dpt/ +5 dpt are also suitable for binocular use (close-up).Technical data Use/Application Working distance∞ Optical Properties Magnification
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dpt162116 Reading cap 16,0 dpt The reading caps +3 dpt/ +4 dpt/ +5 dpt are also suitable for binocular use (close-up).Materialsmanual_Galilei-System_11262_08-19100.7 KBVariantsNameproduct codeGalilei
dpt162116 Reading cap 16,0 dpt The reading caps +3 dpt/ +4 dpt/ +5 dpt are also suitable for binocular use (close-up).Materialsmanual_Galilei-System_11262_08-19100.7 KBVariantsNameproduct codeGalilei
dpt162116 Reading cap 16,0 dpt The reading caps +3 dpt/ +4 dpt/ +5 dpt are also suitable for binocular use (close-up).Technical data Application Telescopes Working distance63 mm Optical Properties M
dpt162116 Reading cap 16,0 dpt The reading caps +3 dpt/ +4 dpt/ +5 dpt are also suitable for binocular use (close-up).Technical data Application Telescopes Working distance83 mm Optical Properties M
dpt162116 Reading cap 16,0 dpt The reading caps +3 dpt/ +4 dpt/ +5 dpt are also suitable for binocular use (close-up).Technical data Application Telescopes Working distance100 mm Optical Properties