Product PropertiesAchromatic or aplanatic lenses made of high quality silicate.Glass fibre reinforced, non-breakable polyamide body.The body is dustproof when closed.Glass lenses, size: 23 mm Ø.VariantsNameproduct
Product PropertiesAchromatic or aplanatic lenses made of high quality silicate.Glass fibre reinforced, non-breakable polyamide body.The body is dustproof when closed.Glass lenses, size: 23 mm Ø.Technical data
concerned. No liability can be accepted for material or immaterial damage arising from any use or non-use made of the information provided or from use of incorrect and/or incomplete information, unless [...] not allowed and punishable. Only the production of copies and downloads for personal, private and non-commercial use is allowed. The presentation of this website in external frames or iframes is only allowed
plastic.Discreet metal frame, black matt finish.The laboMED clip-on magnifiers are only suitable for non-spectacle wearers.Supplied with protective box.laboMED can also be used with monocular lenses which
plastic.Discreet metal frame, black matt finish.The laboMED clip-on magnifiers are only suitable for non-spectacle wearers.Supplied with protective box.laboMED can also be used with monocular lenses which
temperature6500 K Miscellaneous Properties (magnifying glasses) NotesheadlightLED with wearing system for non-spectacle wearersMaterialsmanual_headlight LED.pdf18.6 MBProduct overview
plastic.Discreet metal frame, black matt finish.The laboMED clip-on magnifiers are only suitable for non-spectacle wearers.Supplied with protective box.laboMED can also be used with monocular lenses which
plastic.Discreet metal frame, black matt finish.The laboMED clip-on magnifiers are only suitable for non-spectacle wearers.Supplied with protective box.laboMED can also be used with monocular lenses which
plastic.Discreet metal frame, black matt finish.The laboMED clip-on magnifiers are only suitable for non-spectacle wearers.Supplied with protective box.laboMED can also be used with monocular lenses which
plastic.Discreet metal frame, black matt finish.The laboMED clip-on magnifiers are only suitable for non-spectacle wearers.Supplied with protective box.laboMED can also be used with monocular lenses which