combi PLUS, 100x50mm/ 2,6x2031100 x 50 mm 2.6 x 6.3 dptBest. Nr. Etui: 20211 combi PLUS, 100x75mm/ 2,8x2032100 x75mm 2.8 x 7 dptBest. Nr. Etui: 20221 combi PLUS, 75x50mm/ 3,5x203475 x 50 mm 3.5 x 10 dptBest
included.Technical data Dimensions Dimensions75x100mm Lens properties magnifiying glasses Lens Size100x75mm Operating unit (magnifying glasses) Magnification3 xDioptre12 dptMaterialsmanual_visolux.pdf8 [...] rtable to use due to ergonomic tilted lens and compact design.Incredibly large field of view with 3x magnification.2 different colour temperatures for even, glare-free illumination of the reading material
Lupentopf, lose system varioPLUS15817411.4 dpt3.9 x100x 50 mm Aplanat Lupentopf inkl. LED-Batteriegriff system varioPLUS1582637 dpt2.8 x100x75mm with retractable additional lens, 4dpt, 45nm edge [...] dpt7 x Ø 35 mm Lupentopf, lose system varioPLUS15517428 dpt7 x Ø 35 mm Lupentopf inkl. LED-Batteriegriff system varioPLUS15527324 dpt6 x Ø 50 mm Lupentopf, lose system varioPLUS15527424 dpt6 x Ø 50 mm [...] dpt3 x100x 50 mm with retractable additional lens, 4dpt, 45nm edge filter, ergonomically tiltable magnifying glass pot Lupentopf inkl. LED-Batteriegriff system varioPLUS15817311.4 dpt3.9 x100x 50 mm
ERGO, Ø75mm/ 2,9x show Product Hand-held and reading magnifiers Art. Nr. 266885 mediplan ERGO, Ø85mm/ 2,4x show Product Hand-held and reading magnifiers Art. Nr. 265570 aspheric II, Ø70mm/ 4x show [...] aspheric II, 100x50mm/ 3x show Product Hand-held and reading magnifiers Art. Nr. 2614840 visomed, 80x40mm show Product Hand-held and reading magnifiers Art. Nr. 261480 visomed, Ø80mm show Product
also be used for cleaning the lens.Technical data Lens properties Lens Size100x75mm Optical Properties Magnification2.8 xDioptre7 dptMaterialsmanual_scribolux_944650_05-21859.4 KBProduct overview [...] PropertiesHigh level of image brightness and large visual field.Distance lens – supporting surface: 7.5 cm (apex of lens).Aspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with
also be used for cleaning the lens.Technical data Lens properties Lens Size100x75mm Optical Properties Magnification2.8 xDioptre7 dptMaterialsmanual_scribolux_944650_05-21859.4 KBProduct overview [...] PropertiesHigh level of image brightness and large visual field.Distance lens – supporting surface: 7.5 cm (apex of lens).Aspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with
the lens.Technical data Lens properties magnifiying glasses Lens Size100x75mm Operating unit (magnifying glasses) Magnification2.8 xDioptre7 dptMaterialsmanual_scribolux.pdf6.5 MBProduct overview [...] PropertiesHigh level of image brightness and large visual field.Distance lens – supporting surface: 7.5 cm (apex of lens).Aspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with