presciption for any frame Product PropertiesImproved contrast vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Available in the active photochromic options, in the following
presciption for any frame Product PropertiesImproved contrast vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Available in the active photochromic options, in the following
presciption for any frame Product PropertiesImproved contrast vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Available in the active photochromic options, in the following
presciption for any frame Product PropertiesImproved contrast vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Available in the active photochromic options, in the following
presciption for any frame Product PropertiesImproved contrast vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Available in the active photochromic options, in the following
presciption for any frame Product PropertiesImproved contrast vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Available in the active photochromic options, in the following
presciption for any frame Product PropertiesImproved contrast vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Available in the active photochromic options, in the following
other symptoms. For example, straight lines appear distorted, or dark, blurry areas or empty spaces block the central area of vision. Nevertheless, the peripheral field of vision remains intact for approximate
presciption for any frame Product PropertiesImproved contrast vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Cut-off filters 450 nm, 511nm, 527 nm, 550 nm, also available
not support the video tag.Product BenefitsImproved colour sensitivity and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, high energy light components in the blue part of the spectrumAvailable in the am Drive [...] models or as clip-ons – a suitable case is always includedSpectacle frames with extra deep edge to block incident light from aboveWidely set temple with transparent side glare guard allows sideways orie