Glaucoma Eye disease In addition to short-sightedness and long-sightedness, our visual acuity can also be restricted by a variety of eye diseases. Most of these cause irreparable damage to the eye. Special [...] Special vision aids can provide vital support in dealing with everyday challenges. Select an eye disease from the above list to discover more. In each case, we will show normal vision and then vision in 4 stages
brought into focus by the eye. How can presbyopia be treated? As the accommodation ability of the eye is different for everyone, from the age of 40 it is advisable to have your eyes regularly checked by a [...] Seeing and reading as we age When our eyes age What is presbyopia? As we age, our physical strength decreases. This also applies to the eyes. Our eyesight is at its very best when we are young. As we age [...] able to read text. How presbyopia occurs A young eye lens is very elastic and is therefore able to change shape easily. This allows us to focus the eyes on both near and distant objects, and enables us
vision means a better life . Seeing and reading as we age Eye diseases Magnification requirement Where you can find help The eye and eyesight The eye is our most important sensory organ and good vision is [...] Wether at home or on the move – read small print quickly and easily. To the products The eye and eyesight The eye is our most important sensory organ and good vision is the prerequisite for an active life [...] vision is restricted in many ways. Better vision means a better life . Seeing and reading as we age Eye diseases Magnification requirement Where you can find help
Read more Eye diseases In addition to short-sightedness and long-sightedness, our visual acuity can also be restricted by a variety of eye diseases. Most of these cause irreparable damage to the eye. Special [...] Eye + Eyesight The window to the world The eye is our most important sensory organ and good vision is the prerequisite for an active life. Anyone who suffers from poor vision is restricted in many ways [...] because better vision always means a better life Seeing and reading as we age As we age, so do our eyes. We first begin to notice this around the age of 40 when it becomes increasingly difficult to read
vitamins in the eyes can give rise to opacity of the eye lens and hence cataracts as age advances. Furthermore, macular-specific vitamins such as the carotinoids lutein and zeaxanthin protect the eye against harmful [...] eyesight long term, the eyes require special care – vitamins are helpful in this regard. Right from a young age, a healthy balanced diet is advisable to ensure the eyes get an optimal supply of vitamins, [...] dry eyes and night blindness. Everyday burdens such as light, stress and various environmental factors give rise to free radicals which the body's cells attack. Vitamins B2, C and E protect the eyes by
short. The focal point of the eye is behind the retina. Your near vision is then blurred, e.g. when reading. When the eye compensates through accommodation, this often leads to eye strain, fatigue and headache [...] different image is formed in each eye. In order for the brain to be able to see clearly, the brain "turns off" the visual processing of one eye. This unused, untrained eye becomes amblyopic (visually impaired) [...] short-sightedness, the eyeball is too long. The focal point of the eye is in front of the retina and your distance vision will be blurred. The eye is not able to compensate for short-sightedness itself through
166391580 Your browser does not support the video tag.Product BenefitsAll-round protection for the eyes against the harmful rays of the sun and against unpleasant glare.Visually appealing and improved colour [...] polarised 75% and graded 50-15% for inside and out.The phototropic lenses of ambelis active protect the eyes in all light conditions.Glasses made of particularly lightweight cr 39-plastic for a distortion-free
166395015 Your browser does not support the video tag.Product BenefitsAll-round protection for the eyes against the harmful rays of the sun and against unpleasant glare.Visually appealing and improved colour [...] polarised 75% and graded 50-15% for inside and out.The phototropic lenses of ambelis active protect the eyes in all light conditions.Glasses made of particularly lightweight cr 39-plastic for a distortion-free
166341580 Your browser does not support the video tag.Product BenefitsAll-round protection for the eyes against the harmful rays of the sun and against unpleasant glare.Visually appealing and improved colour [...] polarised 75% and graded 50-15% for inside and out.The phototropic lenses of ambelis active protect the eyes in all light conditions.Glasses made of particularly lightweight cr 39-plastic for a distortion-free
166381580 Your browser does not support the video tag.Product BenefitsAll-round protection for the eyes against the harmful rays of the sun and against unpleasant glare.Visually appealing and improved colour [...] polarised 75% and graded 50-15% for inside and out.The phototropic lenses of ambelis active protect the eyes in all light conditions.Glasses made of particularly lightweight cr 39-plastic for a distortion-free