Filters ambelis® Product PropertiesImproved contrast vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Available in the active photochromic options, in the following [...] s®166351580ambelis®166355015ambelis®166381580ambelis®166385015ambelis®166391580ambelis®166395015Product overview
Telescopes and monoculars maxEVENT Art. Nr. 162431 Product BenefitsAllows the user to get closer to the action on the stage at concerts, the theatre, the opera, musicals and many other events.This vision [...] vision aid will ensure you don‘t miss out on any detail or any movement on-stage.Product PropertiesSpecial vision aid for using at public events such as the theatre, musicals, concerts, the cinema and
are not suitable for wearing whilst driving. Product BenefitsAn extended field of vision in comparison to conventional single vision readers.Product PropertiesReady-to-wear readers in 5 different optical
Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Art. Nr. 1586141 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function [...] with visual impairment who appreciate award-winning design.Suitable for both left and right handers.Product PropertiesAspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with edge-to-edge
Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Art. Nr. 1586201 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function [...] with visual impairment who appreciate award-winning design.Suitable for both left and right handers.Product PropertiesAspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with edge-to-edge
Magnifying reading glasses prismatic BINO Comfort Art. Nr. 1680110 Product BenefitsRelaxed binocular vision with high magnification.Product PropertiesBinocular readers with a higher addition and prismatic
Magnifying reading glasses noves BINO Art. Nr. 168208 Product BenefitsRelaxed binocular vision with high magnification.These exceptionally discreet and thin lenses are particularly suitable for high [...] high optical powers.Particularly scratch-proof lenses with high visual and wearing comfort.Product PropertiesMagnifying readers with prismatic convergence support for magnification requirements of up to 2
Magnifying reading glasses noves BINO Art. Nr. 168204 Product BenefitsRelaxed binocular vision with high magnification.These exceptionally discreet and thin lenses are particularly suitable for high [...] high optical powers.Particularly scratch-proof lenses with high visual and wearing comfort.Product PropertiesMagnifying readers with prismatic convergence support for magnification requirements of up to 2
Magnifying reading glasses noves BINO Art. Nr. 16828 Product BenefitsRelaxed binocular vision with high magnification.These exceptionally discreet and thin lenses are particularly suitable for high [...] high optical powers.Particularly scratch-proof lenses with high visual and wearing comfort.Product PropertiesMagnifying readers with prismatic convergence support for magnification requirements of up to 2
Magnifying reading glasses noves BINO Art. Nr. 16824 Product BenefitsRelaxed binocular vision with high magnification.These exceptionally discreet and thin lenses are particularly suitable for high [...] high optical powers.Particularly scratch-proof lenses with high visual and wearing comfort.Product PropertiesMagnifying readers with prismatic convergence support for magnification requirements of up to 2