1586281 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function, preserves battery life.Very comfortable to hold in the
1586201 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function, preserves battery life.Very comfortable to hold in the
1586141 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function, preserves battery life.Very comfortable to hold in the
As we age, our physical strength decreases. This also applies to the eyes. Our eyesight is at its very best when we are young. As we age, our visual acuity deteriorates progressively as the elasticity [...] newspapers and magazines further away to be able to read text. How presbyopia occurs A young eye lens is very elastic and is therefore able to change shape easily. This allows us to focus the eyes on both near [...] have your eyes regularly checked by a specialist. Initially, reading glasses can correct this problem very effectively. However, special magnifiers - some equipped with powerful illumination - can make everyday
viewing area with super-flat lens.Fits in any pocket thanks to the flat design and very low weight.Case for safe storage.Very economical: light only comes on when the lens is fully extended.Bulb does not require
viewing area with super-flat lens.Fits in any pocket thanks to the flat design and very low weight.Case for safe storage.Very economical: light only comes on when the lens is fully extended.Bulb does not require
viewing area with super-flat lens.Fits in any pocket thanks to the flat design and very low weight.Case for safe storage.Very economical: light only comes on when the lens is fully extended.Bulb does not require
viewing area with super-flat lens.Fits in any pocket thanks to the flat design and very low weight.Case for safe storage.Very economical: light only comes on when the lens is fully extended.Bulb does not require
viewing area with super-flat lens.Fits in any pocket thanks to the flat design and very low weight.Case for safe storage.Very economical: light only comes on when the lens is fully extended.Bulb does not require
viewing area with super-flat lens.Fits in any pocket thanks to the flat design and very low weight.Case for safe storage.Very economical: light only comes on when the lens is fully extended.Bulb does not require