Telescopes and monoculars maxDETAIL Art. Nr. 162451 Product BenefitsBoth hands are kept free for carrying out intricate work, handicrafts or reading.Comfortable working distance and large visual field; [...] available.Materialsmanual_maxDETAIL_944444_05-21930.7 KBAccessories Accessories Art. Nr. 16042 headlight LED show Accessory Product overview
Telescopes and monoculars maxDETAIL Art. Nr. 162451 Product BenefitsBoth hands are kept free for carrying out intricate work, handicrafts or reading.Comfortable working distance and large visual field; [...] available.Materialsmanual_maxDETAIL_944444_05-21930.7 KBAccessories Accessories Art. Nr. 16042 headlight LED show Accessory Product overview
and magnifying lamps varioLED flex show Product Accessories Art. Nr. 27819 varioLED flex Table base show Product 27773 27776 Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps varioLED+ show Product Accessories Art [...] monoculars Galilei 2.5x show Product 16042 160421 160422 162452 Light headlight LED show Product Accessories Art. Nr. 16042 headlight LED show Product 1420 1421 1424 Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps Bright [...] Aspheric show Product Telescopes and monoculars Art. Nr. 1624511 maxDETAIL show Product Telescopes and monoculars Art. Nr. 162461 maxDETAIL Clip show Product Telescopes and monoculars Art. Nr. 162431 maxEVENT