Monoculars microlux Technical data basic properties Construction typemonocularVariants microlux 4 x 13 show Product microlux 6 x 18 show Product Product overview
Monoculars microlux 6 x 18 Art. Nr. 4294618 The perfect monocular for devout minimalists. Product PropertiesEasy to use: Pressing gently with the finger slides the lens unit out into the viewing
Telescopes and monoculars microlux 4 x 13 Art. Nr. 4294413 The perfect monocular for devout minimalists. Product PropertiesEasy to use: Pressing gently with the finger slides the lens unit out
Telescopes and monoculars microlux 4 x 13 Art. Nr. 4294413 The perfect monocular for devout minimalists. Product PropertiesEasy to use: Pressing gently with the finger slides the lens unit out
Monoculars microlux 4 x 13 Art. Nr. 4294413 back to parent The perfect monocular for devout minimalists. Product PropertiesEasy to use: Pressing gently with the finger slides the lens unit out
Telescopes and monoculars microlux 4 x 13 Art. Nr. 4294413 The perfect monocular for devout minimalists. Product PropertiesEasy to use: Pressing gently with the finger slides the lens unit out
Monoculars adventure M 8 x 25 Art. Nr. 4297825 back to parent Lightweight, robust monocular for active outdoor fans. Product PropertiesBrilliant, true colour image reproduction thanks to full
dpt250 mm*16452binocular2.5 x 5.0 dpt180 mm16453binocular3.0 x 7.75 dpt130 mm16454monocular4.0 x 16 dpt55 mm16457monocular7.0 x 28 dpt32 mmTechnical data Use/Application Type of use/Application typebino