Filters asensys® 450P XL Art. Nr. 16619450P Your browser does not support the video tag. back to parent Product BenefitsAll-round protection for the eyes against the harmful rays of the sun and against [...] belt clip.100% UV protection.Technical data Filter Product family/seriesasensysFilter tintas 450 nmcut off450 nmpolarizadoYesLevel of light transmission/Luminous transmittance15 %Blue light absorption99 [...] vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Cut-off filters 450 nm, 511nm, 527 nm, 550 nm, also available in polarised options.Glasses made of particularly lightweight
Filters asensys® 450P Art. Nr. 16618450P Your browser does not support the video tag. back to parent Product BenefitsAll-round protection for the eyes against the harmful rays of the sun and against [...] belt clip.100% UV protection.Technical data Filter Product family/seriesasensysFilter tintas 450 nmcut off450 nmpolarizadoYesLevel of light transmission/Luminous transmittance15 %Blue light absorption99 [...] vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Cut-off filters 450 nm, 511nm, 527 nm, 550 nm, also available in polarised options.Glasses made of particularly lightweight
filter clip-ons1662450P450 nm, polarisierend 34 % 2 not suitable for driving at night Cut-off filter clip-ons1662511511 nm 60 % 1 not suitable for driving Cut-off filter clip-ons1662511P511 nm, polarisierend [...] filter clip-ons1662527P527 nm, polarisierend 12 % 3 not suitable for driving Cut-off filter clip-ons1662550550 nm 28 % 2 not suitable for driving Cut-off filter clip-ons1662550P550 nm, polarisierend 11 [...] y lightweight cr 39-plastic for a distortion-free image.Optical efficiency: ±0 dpt.Available with 450 nm, 511 nm, 527 nm, 550 nm cut-off, with or without polarisation.The lenses have screw attachment,
with soft case.Display and Optoform equipement available.Technical data Filter Filter tintas 450 nmcut off450 nm, polarisierendLevel of light transmission/Luminous transmittance34 %Filter Category2Suitable [...] Filters Kantenfiltervorhänger Art. Nr. 1662450P Product BenefitsFor reducing glare in the case of increased glare sensitivity.For contrast enhancement.Product PropertiesContrast enhanced vision and [...] y lightweight cr 39-plastic for a distortion-free image.Optical efficiency: ±0 dpt.Available with 450 nm, 511 nm, 527 nm, 550 nm cut-off, with or without polarisation.The lenses have screw attachment,
with soft case.Display and Optoform equipement available.Technical data Filter Filter tintas 450 nmcut off450 nm, polarisierendLevel of light transmission/Luminous transmittance34 %Filter Category2Suitable [...] Filters Kantenfiltervorhänger Art. Nr. 1662450P Product BenefitsFor reducing glare in the case of increased glare sensitivity.For contrast enhancement.Product PropertiesContrast enhanced vision and [...] y lightweight cr 39-plastic for a distortion-free image.Optical efficiency: ±0 dpt.Available with 450 nm, 511 nm, 527 nm, 550 nm cut-off, with or without polarisation.The lenses have screw attachment,
with soft case.Display and Optoform equipement available.Technical data Filter Filter tintas 450 nmcut off450 nm, polarisierendLevel of light transmission/Luminous transmittance34 %Filter Category2Suitable [...] Filters Cut-off filter clip-ons Art. Nr. 1662450P Your browser does not support the video tag.Product BenefitsFor reducing glare in the case of increased glare sensitivity.For contrast enhancement.Product [...] y lightweight cr 39-plastic for a distortion-free image.Optical efficiency: ±0 dpt.Available with 450 nm, 511 nm, 527 nm, 550 nm cut-off, with or without polarisation.The lenses have screw attachment,
Filters asensys® 511P XL Art. Nr. 16619511P Your browser does not support the video tag. back to parent Product BenefitsAll-round protection for the eyes against the harmful rays of the sun and against [...] vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Cut-off filters 450 nm, 511nm, 527 nm, 550 nm, also available in polarised options.Glasses made of particularly lightweight
Filters asensys® 550P XL Art. Nr. 16619550P Your browser does not support the video tag. back to parent Product BenefitsAll-round protection for the eyes against the harmful rays of the sun and against [...] vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Cut-off filters 450 nm, 511nm, 527 nm, 550 nm, also available in polarised options.Glasses made of particularly lightweight
Filters asensys® 550P Art. Nr. 16618550P Your browser does not support the video tag. back to parent Product BenefitsAll-round protection for the eyes against the harmful rays of the sun and against [...] vision and minimisation of glare by blocking short-wave, energy-rich light components.Cut-off filters 450 nm, 511nm, 527 nm, 550 nm, also available in polarised options.Glasses made of particularly lightweight