EN FR IT ESDisplay modestrue colours white/black black/white yellow/black black/yellow yellow/blueblue/yellow green/black black/green white/red red/white violet/black black/violet black/orange orange/black [...] deviceVery large horizontal field of view of 546 mm14 contrast-enhancing false colour modes and switchable blue light filterDynamic Line Scrolling: the reading area can be moved horizontally and vertically in the [...] cmWeight9.2 kg Extended features Reading guidelinereading line & reading lineDLS - Dynamic Line ScrollingJaBlue light filterJaLive image from external sourceyes (HDMI In)Live image outputnoMirror functionyes (external
EN FR IT ESDisplay modestrue colours white/black black/white yellow/black black/yellow yellow/blueblue/yellow green/black black/green white/red red/white violet/black black/violet black/orange orange/black [...] deviceVery large horizontal field of view of 546 mm14 contrast-enhancing false colour modes and switchable blue light filterDynamic Line Scrolling: the reading area can be moved horizontally and vertically in the [...] cmWeight8.9 kg Extended features Reading guidelinereading line & reading lineDLS - Dynamic Line ScrollingJaBlue light filterJaLive image from external sourceyes (HDMI In)Live image outputnoMirror functionyes (external
EN FR IT ESDisplay modestrue colours white/black black/white yellow/black black/yellow yellow/blueblue/yellow green/black black/green white/red red/white violet/black black/violet black/orange orange/black [...] deviceVery large horizontal field of view of 546 mm14 contrast-enhancing false colour modes and switchable blue light filterDynamic Line Scrolling: the reading area can be moved horizontally and vertically in the [...] .6 kg Extended features Reading guidelinereading line & reading lineDLS - Dynamic Line ScrollingJaBlue light filterJaLive image from external sourceyes (HDMI In)Live image outputnoMirror functionyes (external
EN FR IT ESDisplay modestrue colours white/black black/white yellow/black black/yellow yellow/blueblue/yellow green/black black/green white/red red/white violet/black black/violet black/orange orange/black [...] deviceVery large horizontal field of view of 546 mm14 contrast-enhancing false colour modes and switchable blue light filterDynamic Line Scrolling: the reading area can be moved horizontally and vertically in the [...] cmWeight8.9 kg Extended features Reading guidelinereading line & reading lineDLS - Dynamic Line ScrollingJaBlue light filterJaLive image from external sourceyes (HDMI In)Live image outputnoMirror functionyes (external