reading (see table).Weight 16 g, with reading cap 22 g.High quality, achromatic silicate lenses, MgF2 coated.Product AccessoriesReading caps for Galilei 2.2 x and Galilei 2.5 x162101 Reading cap ring for fitting
support for magnification requirements of up to 2.50 x.Aspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with edge-to-edge sharpness.The lenses have a very subtle appearance
different colour temperatures via filters.Product PropertiesAspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with edge-to-edge sharpness.Details relating to magnification/ dioptre
different colour temperatures via filters.Product PropertiesAspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with edge-to-edge sharpness.Details relating to magnification/ dioptre
different colour temperatures via filters.Product PropertiesAspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with edge-to-edge sharpness.Details relating to magnification/ dioptre
different colour temperatures via filters.Product PropertiesAspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with edge-to-edge sharpness.Details relating to magnification/ dioptre
different colour temperatures via filters.Product PropertiesAspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with edge-to-edge sharpness.Details relating to magnification/ dioptre
different colour temperatures via filters.Product PropertiesAspheric PXM® lightweight lens, cera-tec® coated for a distortion-free image with edge-to-edge sharpness.Details relating to magnification/ dioptre