turns the powerlux off after 30 minutes.Materialsmanual_powerlux_944486_06-21866.4 KBVariantsNameproduct codepowerlux158614powerlux158620powerlux158628powerlux1586141powerlux1586201powerlux1586281Product [...] Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function, preserves battery
turns the powerlux off after 30 minutes.Materialsmanual_powerlux_944486_06-21866.4 KBVariantsNameproduct codepowerlux158614powerlux158620powerlux158628powerlux1586141powerlux1586201powerlux1586281Product [...] Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function, preserves battery
the powerlux off after 30 minutes.Materialsmanual_powerlux.pdf2.1 MBVariantsNameproduct codeDioptre Magnification Lens Size Colour temperature powerlux15861414 dpt3.5 x Ø 58 mm Array powerlux15862020 [...] 2020 dpt5 x Ø 58 mm Array powerlux15862828 dpt7 x Ø 58 mm Array powerlux158614114 dpt3.5 x Ø 58 mm Array powerlux158620120 dpt5 x Ø 58 mm Array powerlux158628128 dpt7 x Ø 58 mm Array Product overview [...] Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function, preserves battery
Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Art. Nr. 158614 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function [...] hard foam case.Economical power consumption due to automatic switch-off function which turns the powerlux off after 30 minutes.Technical data Lens properties Lens SizeØ 58 mm Light and lighting Colour [...] temperature8000 K Optical Properties Magnification3.5 xDioptre14 dptMaterialsmanual_powerlux_944486_06-21866.4 KBProduct overview
the powerlux off after 30 minutes.Technical data Lens properties Lens SizeØ 58 mm Light and lighting Colour temperature8000 K Optical Properties Magnification5 xDioptre20 dptMaterialsmanual_powerlux_94 [...] Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Art. Nr. 158620 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function
the powerlux off after 30 minutes.Technical data Lens properties Lens SizeØ 58 mm Light and lighting Colour temperature8000 K Optical Properties Magnification7 xDioptre28 dptMaterialsmanual_powerlux_94 [...] Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Art. Nr. 158628 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function
Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Art. Nr. 1586141 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function [...] hard foam case.Economical power consumption due to automatic switch-off function which turns the powerlux off after 30 minutes.Technical data Lens properties Lens SizeØ 58 mm Light and lighting Colour [...] temperature3000 K Optical Properties Magnification3.5 xDioptre14 dptMaterialsmanual_powerlux_944486_06-21866.4 KBProduct overview
the powerlux off after 30 minutes.Technical data Lens properties Lens SizeØ 58 mm Light and lighting Colour temperature3000 K Optical Properties Magnification5 xDioptre20 dptMaterialsmanual_powerlux_94 [...] Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Art. Nr. 1586201 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function
the powerlux off after 30 minutes.Technical data Lens properties Lens SizeØ 58 mm Light and lighting Colour temperature3000 K Optical Properties Magnification7 xDioptre28 dptMaterialsmanual_powerlux_94 [...] Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Art. Nr. 1586281 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function
Stand magnifiers and magnifying lamps powerlux Art. Nr. 158614 Product BenefitsVery simple to use, the ergonomic design promotes intuitive movement on the reading material.Automatic switch-off function [...] hard foam case.Economical power consumption due to automatic switch-off function which turns the powerlux off after 30 minutes.Technical data Lens properties Lens SizeØ 58 mm Light and lighting Colour [...] temperature8000 K Optical Properties Magnification3.5 xDioptre14 dptMaterialsmanual_powerlux_944486_06-21866.4 KBProduct overview